6.11.2022, Беларусь, Минск / Belarus, Minsk
Поздравляю питомник с отличными результатами! Очень рада за новых чемпионов, особенно молодцы юниорочки, каждая из которых посетила по 1 выставки и получила свой первый сертификат! |
Congratulations to the nursery with excellent results! I am very happy for the new champions, especially the juniors, each of which visited 1 show and received her first certificate! |
Республиканская выставка собак всех пород "Сириус" / "Содружество" эксперт: Валерия Ракута / Юлия Покровская KISS ME MORE IZ STRANI GREZ - "Содружество" - 1 отлично (из 2), серт ЮСАС, Лучший Юниор Породы, кандидат в Юные Чемпионы Беларуси вл. Ирина и Анна Митяевы, г. Санкт-Петербург |
Republican dog show of all breeds "Sirius" / "Commonwealth" judge: Valeria Rakuta / Julia Pokrovskaya dachshund standard smooth-haired MAG I VILSHEBNIK IZ STRANI GREZ - 2 x 1 excellent, 2 x cert. CAC, 2 x Best Male, CHAMPION OF BELARUS ow. Ludmila Burkevich, St. Petersburg KONIJAK IZ STRANI GREZ - 2 x 1 excellent, 2 x Best Veteran Male, 2 x Best Veteran of Breed, BIS Veteran 5th place / BEST IN SHOW VETERAN ow. Irina and Anna Mitiaeva, St. Petersburg D- CHRISTMAS NIGHT IZ STRANI GREZ - "Sirius" - 1 excellent (out of 2), JCAC certificate, Best Junior of Breed, candidate for Junior Champion of Belarus ow. Irina and Anna Mitiaeva, St. Petersburg KISS ME MORE IZ STRANI GREZ - "Commonwealth" - 1 excellent (out of 2), JCAC certificate, Best Junior of Breed, candidate for Junior Champion of Belarus ow. Irina and Anna Mitiaeva, St. Petersburg HIMIYA LUBVI IZ STRANI GREZ - 2 x 1 excellent, 2 x CAC, 2 x Best Female, 2 x Best of Breed, BIG II / BIG III, CHAMPION OF BELARUS ow. Ludmila Burkevich, St. Petersburg dachshund standard longhair FIALKA IZ STRANI GREZ - 2 x 1 excellent, 2 x CAC certificate, 2 x Best Female, 2 x Best of Breed, BIG III / BIG II, CHAMPION OF BELARUS ow. Irina and Anna Mitiaeva, St. Petersburg |