Большие поздравления хозяйке! Гордимся малышкой. Успехов и побед! КАСАТКА ИЗ СТРАНЫ ГРËЗ Великолепные результаты в классе юниоров! |
Big congratulations to the owner! We are proud of the baby. Success and victories! KASATKA IZ STRANI GREZ Excellent results in the junior class! |
25.02.2023. Калининград. |
25.02.2023. Kaliningrad. Exhibition of dogs of all breeds "Baltic Vernissage" Judge Begma Inna 1 excellent cert. JCAC Best Junior of Breed Best Of Breed for the best dachshund of the show 2nd place (BIG II) for the best junior of the exhibition 2nd place (BIS junior II) |